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Make Your Next Event Sensational with Commercial Audio/Video Systems

Man giving a presentation in a conference room filled with guests that have wireless microphones in front of them.

Your Wyoming Conference Room or Event Venue Can Go Beyond Sharing a Simple Slide Deck

Event coordinators and conference planning committees are always looking for exciting ways to elevate the success of their next event, session, or program. Gone are the days of having a crowd seated in front of a host panel perched at the front of the room. Now, it’s expected for conference sessions to include high-definition displays, great audio performance, and even theatrical lighting for experiences that rival TED Talks and Apple Event announcements! If you’ve been looking for a way to make your venue in the Casper, WY area shine, it’s time to consider your commercial audio/video systems

Keep reading our blog below to discover a few ways you can improve your revenue, help your clients, and more with advanced technology solutions.

SEE ALSO: The Key Audio-Visual Components of a Modern Conference Room

Event Lighting

You’ve likely seen recaps and recordings online after big product announcement events from Apple and Google, or maybe you’ve watched a few TED Talks for business inspiration. These events incorporate commercial lighting solutions that make the speaker stand out amongst the crowd, whether they stand on the stage at the front of the room or walk amongst the crowd for a Q&A event. 

Many meeting coordinators want to create this same mood for their sessions. Let your venue rise to the top of their most-wanted-venue list by adding easy-to-operate event lighting that showcases guest speakers in the best light possible.


To ensure every event speaker and attendee is seen and heard with crystal clarity, look at your projection screens and display options. You don’t want to leave event attendees craning their necks uncomfortably to see the stage, and you wouldn’t want valued hosts to lose interest in the back of the crowd due to a poor audio/video experience. 

For larger venues, multiple large screen and projector combinations have a crisp picture, vibrant color and contrast, and ambient light reducing (ALR) technology. Smaller venues may do well with a large TV display. Our expert audio/video team will assess your conferencing areas and event spaces to recommend the best-suited commercial audio/video system solutions.

In addition to stunning displays, we like to incorporate high-performance speakers and microphones, so everyone’s message is clearly heard. Shure’s courtroom-style wireless microphones are a flexible option for spaces, whether you have one person planned to speak or twenty (or more). 

Crestron Automation

In addition to audio/video and lighting systems, your commercial venue becomes more valuable with Crestron automation. One-tap lighting adjustments, AV connections, climate control, and more are all available with intuitive Crestron control. Event hosts or your IT coordinator can assist guests, but these systems are easy enough to use at first glance. There’s no need to learn complicated new systems because Crestron makes it all simple, and 7220 Consulting ensures incorporating all of these advanced technologies is a breeze.

Transform Your Next Conference with AV Systems

For all of your connected commercial AV solutions, look no further than the 7220 Consulting team! Connect with us by filling out our online contact form to start exploring ideas for your future knock-out event venue or conference space.

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